OD16 – Negotiating accross cultures
Powerful tools for better business outcomes
Understanding the impact of cultural differences in order to adapt and improve your international sales approach. Becoming familiar with the various communication styles and negotiating techniques used around the world. Developping a better behavioural approach to your foreign partners.
- 1290 euros HT
- 27-28 mai 2024
- 09-10 octobre 2024
- 2 jours - 14h
Any business person targetting foreign markets.
Approche pédagogique
→ Presentation of key cultural concepts illustrated by practical examples, based on international experience. Role play based on a practical case.
An operational knowledge of English and some international experience.
Évaluation et validation
→ Questionnaire d’évaluation à chaud en fin de session
→ Remise d’une attestation de fin de formation
Téléchargez le programme de la formation
Une triple formation en langues, gestion d’entreprise et
administration publique permet à l’intervenante d’appréhender efficacement les problématiques
des entreprises, des relations commerciales aux contacts avec
les administrations étrangères. Riche de plus de 20 ans d’expérience en communication et négociation avec 110 pays, elle sensibilise et forme les entreprises, tant TPE que grands groupes, au volet interculturel de leurs activités internationales.
Si vous souhaitez réaliser cette formation en intra-entreprise sur mesure
Stéphanie Roussin
Le programme
Understanding culture: values, logic and expected and shared behaviour of a give society
The stereotype: standard profiles of foreign cultures
- How does it appear ? Can it be useful ? How to deal with existing stereotypes
- How are French people perceived professionally around the world ?
Managing (successfully) your first contact: a major stake for your business outcomes
- Business dress code/Names and titles
- Greetings/The ritual of business cards
- Business meals/Hospitality
- Gifts…and other expectations
Verbal and no verbal communication (practical exercises)
- Language of negotiation
- High/low context communication
- Silence
- Space, physical distance, physical contact
- Posture, gesture/Visual contact
- Direct/Indirect communication
The 10 cultural dimensions: apprehending them and their impact
- Concept of time/Concept of space
- Locus of control
- Individualism/collectivism
- Task/relationship orientation
- Universalism vs particularism
- High/low context orientation
- Uncertainty avoidance/risk taking
- High/low power distance
- Pragmatism vs abstraction
Anticipating the decision-making process: a sure way to improve your business outcomes
- Profile and number of negotiators
- Negotiation table layout, identifying the decision-maker
- Behind the other party’s position, identifying the real interest and stake
- The negotiating process depending on the cultures envolved
- Convincing across cultures
- Preferred negotiating techniques (depending on the culture)
The value of your contract (level of commitment)
- Implicit/explicit agreements
- Respecting the contract; follow-up
Developping your « cross-cultural intelligence » a precious skill for international negociation
Knowing how to deal with :
- Language and cultural differences
- Different organizational logics
- Ideological and religious differences
- Different geopolitical realities
- Different legal structures
- Foreign administrations
- Being on the other party’s home ground
The key to powerful international negociation :
Exhaustive preparation in order to be able to build the relevant succesful strategy during the negociation process.
Réservez cette formation
- 1290 euros HT
- 27-28 mai 2024
- 09-10 octobre 2024
- 2 jours - 14h
Élargissez vos compétences pour de meilleures performances
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